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Help fixing pattern using photo by Wishingknots88 9 years ago

I've been trying to recreate this image: from this photo of a friendship bracelet someone else created:

I've already created a pattern: But I'm wanting to tweak it to look more like the photo and reduce the amount of strings used. Can anyone help me out?

RE: Help fixing pattern using photo by Wishingknots88 9 years ago

One more thing, I'm wanting this pattern for myself. I am not into selling my bracelets so it would only be for my personal use. If that helps make things better.

RE: Help fixing pattern using photo by kleinevos 9 years ago

Recreating a pattern is the same as stealing a pattern. You've clearly already done that by posting a pattern on BraceletBook, but we don't accept that here.
It doesn't matter if it's for your own use, we can't accept the pattern if it's too close to the original.


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