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Kumihimo patterns by bodine_6 9 years ago

First...I like the old way the generator worked. I always have trouble. I want the circle I click on to be the one that changes the color I choose. Right now I have to guess which one will change color and it is almost always different from before. So I am not able to make any patterns. Any suggestions would be great. Second I would like to try to create a 32 strand angel pattern that looks descent. Thanks

RE: Kumihimo patterns by kleinevos 9 years ago

I only know the generator we have now and I think it works just fine, except from the bugs.
You can 'draw' your design on the image to the right. And that's also (close to ) how the braided kumi will look like.
I think that's much easier than changing the colors in the circle, and not knowing where the color goes in the real kumi.

When designing a kumi you have to know that the image will stretch out, in the same direction as the natural spiral. And you only have 4 dots in that same direction.

RE: Kumihimo patterns by kleinevos 9 years ago

I made K8205. I don't know if it will look good when braided though. The 'head' is very small.....

RE: Kumihimo patterns by bodine_6 9 years ago

I have only been trying to draw on the part to the right of the circle. I have to guess where it will change instead of clicking on the little knot circle or whatever you call it. Yeah... there was a different way. You use to be able to just click on the little knots and it would change to the color you chose and if i remember right there was also an undo button if you didn't like what you did. Now i have to remember the spot I clicked on, go in and change the color back to as close to what it was, then go click on that same spot again and change it back, then go get the color i tried to change it to and try to hit the right spot, and repeat :( I wish there was another site or another way.

RE: Kumihimo patterns by kleinevos 9 years ago

There isn't an undo-button now, that's right. And I would love to have the same color-picking pop-up as we have with our normal pattern-generator. That would save me a lot of color-editing to get the right shade to reflect the right amount of colors :-)

But I still don't agree with the other part: like it is now, you click on the knots. If it would be the other way around you would have to guess where your color pops up in the real kumi, unless you know more about kumihimos, but in that case you wouldn't need the generator at all ;-)

RE: Kumihimo patterns by bodine_6 9 years ago

No I don't. I am just talking about what you said in the first paragragh of your last response that it doesn't change the color of the knot you click on. so in order for the pattern you are trying to make to look right or make sense you would like for that to be case but instead you have to guess a different knot to click on in order for the one you REALLY wanted to change change. Does that make more sense? I can't really explain. But I was also wrong about the part that I said I wish it was like b4...I found the other website I was talking about which is the same as it was and is easier for me to use and it has an undo button and the color wheel is out in the open so I don't have to keep going in to the little window to get a different color so I will be going back there sorry. Thank you


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