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Selling on my site by rayleighg 14 years ago

Sorry to ask this again, sure this questoin has been asked about a million times, but how much should I sell my bracelets online for? I have started a site, not the wordpress one a new one, and idk how much to sell my bracelets for it I do.

I was thinking about selling them for 25cents per string but idk if thats too expensive or not even enough. So if you have any ideas on how much I should sell them for plz help!! thanks

RE: Selling on my site by fbmagic 14 years ago

I am wondering the same thing cause I am doing the same thing as you! What is your website?

RE: Selling on my site by rayleighg 14 years ago

RE: Selling on my site by fbmagic 14 years ago

are you serious! That where my site is too! This is mine!

RE: Selling on my site by fbmagic 14 years ago

oh I joined your site! I didn't know you were ray the person that joined my site! Thanks a bunch! I am sure your site will be awesome!

RE: Selling on my site by rayleighg 14 years ago

yea that was me :) i didnt know it was ur site though! i have been going on it and thats how i got the idea to start my own! ur site is so cool. thanks for being the first person besides me to join my site lol

RE: Selling on my site by sweetypie 14 years ago

hey another question how do yu create a website i want to create it sooooooo BADLY

-sweetypie (peace for everyone)


RE: Selling on my site by Katarzyna 14 years ago

Yah, I want to make a website and I don't know how. Can you help?
Oh and 25cents per strand is pretty good. You coul also sell it buy the inch-you know like 25 cents per inch or something.

RE: Selling on my site by FriendshipCandy 14 years ago

i think about a dollar per bracelet is good, but you also have to keep in mind fees and shipping costs.

here's my website:

good luck =)

RE: Selling on my site by Emz 14 years ago

I think 25 cents per inch or thread is good just maybe for a more complex bracelet you make it a little more???Good luck!


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