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How to edit DESCRIPTION when pattern is complete and accepted? by Tikilishi 9 years ago

Hi, I was wondering how can I edit the description of a pattern I made?

If anyone knows please reply!

Thanks :)

RE: How to edit DESCRIPTION when pattern is complete and accepted? by kleinevos 9 years ago

As far as I know only moderators can change the info in the description-box.

RE: How to edit DESCRIPTION when pattern is complete and accepted? by Tikilishi 9 years ago

Well I cam across a pattern with a description that said something along the lines of "This is my first pattern, I hope you like it" so I assumed that the creator of the pattern wrote that and not a moderator. That's why I was wondering if I could do that same.

RE: How to edit DESCRIPTION when pattern is complete and accepted? by kleinevos 9 years ago

It was most likely written before it was saved. I don't know if that's still possibly now, but it was back then.

RE: How to edit DESCRIPTION when pattern is complete and accepted? by Tikilishi 9 years ago

Okay thank you. :)


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