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Pattern #77 by go_blue16 14 years ago

I am soon going to start pattern #77, the soccer ball pattern. I was unsure about some things and didn't want to waste any thread, so I decided to ask my questions here from thos people who have already made it.

Firstly, do you seperate the strings into pAirs and then work with them, or do you just tie normally?

Secondly, do you really not use the outermost threads every other row as the generator shows it?

I simply don't trust the generator to be 100% right all the time. I find it hard to believe hat you can make a perfect bracelet simple by looking at the chart. There's plenty of important info thAt can't be conveyed simply through a diagram....which is where my uncertainty and questions stem from.

Anyway, I'd appreciate if someone could help me put here! Thanks! =)

RE: Pattern #77 by Satyr 14 years ago

The pattern is 100% accurate. In some patterns, 1 or 2 strings are just there so you can tie on them, so the color doesn't really matter. In this pattern however, the outermost strings are used (even in the first row), so I don't see what the problem is. :S

It is up to you to decide whether you pair the strings up or not. Try it out and see if you like it, otherwise you do it like normal.

Hope this helped ^^

RE: Pattern #77 by go_blue16 14 years ago

really? so the design doesn't come out differently if I tie in pairs or not?


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