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9 string bracelet? Pattern 1830 by Oj_luvver 14 years ago

Haha Im a noob(: I'll admit it, Anywhoo
I dont know how to start this bracelet::
9 strings? How do i do that? Lol
Thanks in advanced(:

RE: 9 string bracelet? Pattern 1830 by zsylvester 14 years ago

You t it like a regular bracelet, but instead of taking two strings out every other one, you are always working with 8 strings, by alternating whitch one you take out. go to youtube, and look at xocrandberrys pattern called 'braded like stitch #3' that is a 9 stringed bracelet. i think it is on this site also look under the tutorials

RE: 9 string bracelet? Pattern 1830 by xocrandberry03 14 years ago

hey! i made an account :)


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