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Tatting shuttles for alpha patterns by Glanskabouter 9 years ago

Hi everyone. Two weeks ago I made my first alpha pattern. After only about two rows, I got thoroughly fed up with the tangle that was my main thread. And that was with the sturdy cotton I used for my practise piece. So when I started the real piece in three threads of DMC (the whole thread split in two) I wound the two main colours on tatting shuttles and knotted with those. It took a bit of practise but worked really well. After all, tatting is mostly making the same kind of knots but only with two threads and "flipping" the knot. Has anyone else ever used tatting shuttles for alpha's? And did you like it?

RE: Tatting shuttles for alpha patterns by kleinevos 9 years ago

I'm not familiar with tatting or tatting shuttles, but I usually knot with my base-strings and flip that knot, just like you did. I don't have to move around the long knotting-strings that way.
It works fine for me :-)


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