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How to edit/change already existing patterns? by Trollishka 8 years ago

Hi everyone! I was wondering if there is any way we could edit or change the colors of an already existing pattern. Thanx in advance! Good work and happy macrameing! _/\_

RE: How to edit/change already existing patterns? by Trollishka 8 years ago

I don't mean to change the already existing pattern, but to make a new one by changing the colors of an existing one..

RE: How to edit/change already existing patterns? by kleinevos 8 years ago

We have a tutorial here.
Make sure that you only edit for your own use though, and don't save the pattern to our site! It's not allowed to submit/post already existing patterns, and changing colors doesn't make it a new pattern.

RE: How to edit/change already existing patterns? by Trollishka 8 years ago

oh great!!! thank you so much, this really is handy! will be sure not to save the already patterns. thx again! =)


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