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bug report.... by meercatred 8 years ago

generator keeps saying my pattern isn't repeating, i have checked each individual string, the order and had others check it and and the top strings do = the bottom strings.

RE: bug report.... by EdBlair 8 years ago

It is possible that two of your strings that you think are the same color are actually close, but different, colors. When you look at the picture it looks like all the colors match top to bottom, but to the generator, they don't.

RE: bug report.... by kleinevos 8 years ago

I also think that's the problem.

RE: bug report.... by meercatred 8 years ago

No, each string is a completely different colour

RE: bug report.... by Sammoning 8 years ago

Even if the image above the knoting pattern looks repeating, the knot part strings have to be in the same order on the top and bottom as well.
So for example red-orange-yellow-green at the first line and at the last line.

RE: bug report.... by meercatred 8 years ago

It was. Checked so many times.

RE: bug report.... by meercatred 8 years ago

I have a screenshot of it, if anyone,wants to recheck it.

RE: bug report.... by kleinevos 8 years ago

I've never had that bug, so please show the picture :-)

RE: bug report.... by meercatred 8 years ago

how can i post the pic?

RE: bug report.... by kleinevos 8 years ago

Upload it somewhere in .jpg-format, to tinypic or imgur or similar, and post the link to it here, preferably in BBCode ( inbetween hooks and with the img-code, see below).


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