
was donated
i need to speak to a moderator immediately about my pattern being edited by Incantis 8 years ago

Alpha pattern A65780

i would like to know why the text of my pattern was edited out, and the middle portion of it left in. i worked so damn long on that thing.

RE: i need to speak to a moderator immediately about my pattern being edited by Arismende 8 years ago

Hello; calm down. The moderators have voted on your pattern. We generally don't accept normal word patterns, which you can read in our FAQ. Since we couldn't find a logo with "death comes", we think the words in your pattern are not of interest for the whole community. However, your pattern isn't deleted or lost, you can still find it on your page under "pending" and then "rejected patterns".

RE: i need to speak to a moderator immediately about my pattern being edited by Arismende 8 years ago

Also, I don't appreciate the tone of your message. A moderator is a person who works voluntarily in their leisure time for the site, so you can speak to a moderator, when he or she has time for you. We take our decisions about the site's contents democratically and very consciously. Apart from that, cursing is also not welcome according to our TOU.


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