
was donated
RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by kleinevos 7 years ago

I finished pattern 136: #93696

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by kleinevos 7 years ago

Week 14

List of
Week 1: page 6
No picture posted yet: 17 by hannah_robyn24
Week 2: page 11
No picture posted yet: 35 by Narjes
Week 3: page 16
Week 4: page 19
No picture posted yet: 69 by greengrl26
Week 5: page 23
No picture posted yet: 84 by strings412
Week 6: page 25
Week 7: page 26
No picture posted yet: 104 by Anyblia
Week 8: page 27
No picture posted yet: 115 by Elabra
Week 9: page 28
Week 10: page 29
No pictures posted yet: 122 by Sammoning,123 by Shifa,124 by Marjar
Week 11: page 31
No pictures posted yet: 128 by Veri
Week 12 and 13: page 32
No pictures posted yet: 132, 133
Posted by polin . And (will be) knotted by Nelipot
Colors: 2088

Posted by Nelipot . And (will be) knotted by dianis
Colors: 3030

Posted by dianis . And (will be) knotted by Celicia
Colors: 3113

Posted by Celicia. And (will be) knotted by kleinevos
Colors: 3291

Posted by kleinevos . And (will be) knotted by Arismende
Colors: 2987

Posted by Arismende . And (will be) knotted by Alicat
Colors: 3233

Posted by Alicat. And (will be) knotted by
Colors: 3293

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Pinklovekeithey 7 years ago

Can i make the bracelet with pattern and the color even though i didnt join the game?

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by kleinevos 7 years ago

Of course! You can always knot up any pattern, in any colorscheme you like. This game can be a great inspiration, even if you don't really join.
I have made a few myself that I didn't 'claim' in the game itself. I'm even making one right now ;-))

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Pinklovekeithey 7 years ago

I mean to say
I want to knot a bracelet withe list in here that has no picture or i say a finished product of the one has a# 27027 for example?

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Allison98 7 years ago

You can still knot it, but I'd wait until someone claims the pattern and colours before you post a picture. :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Alicat 7 years ago

Or you can still join the game now if you wanted :)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Shifa 7 years ago

I finally finished the bracelet I started. i enjoyed doing it, but was so nervous it was hard to keep at it consistently... i am a really bad procrastinator. I need to photograph it yet and get it posted up. do you guys have a photo editing tutorial on how you make the images with the color palette and the pattern together? I'd be using Krita to do this instead of Photoshop, seeing as i can't afford the latter.

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by kleinevos 7 years ago

I always use PicsArt on my phone. There are sites on the internet that can do the same, I know Arismende uses one of those.

And don't be nervous! It should be relaxing to knot ;-) It doesn't have to be perfect, it's all for fun :-)

RE: Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game by Sammoning 7 years ago

I agree, dont worry about perfection it's not a contest, having fun is way more important!
Also I use a website to make those collages, it's called
It doesnt have a lot of free options, but enough to put some photos together :)

Hmm, I think I'll finally jump back in the game now, will upload my previous one later this week (havent taken pictures in a while)


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