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how to make a bracelet by bruxinha 14 years ago

hi, does anybody know how to make these kind of bracelet ?

i am trying to find someone who knows for a long time

RE: how to make a bracelet by catriona 14 years ago

Some of them (especialy to the left) look quite complicated
have you tryed searching google 'how to make hemp bracelets'
i think you will find what you are looking or if not something very similar
hope i have helped

RE: how to make a bracelet by Kassy 14 years ago

Take a look at this site:
that is just one of the bracelets and stuff on that page. It also has alot of different ways to knot the strings, which makes different looks and shapes ( or Look under "learn macrame", and "micro-macrame". It's very easy when you get a hang of it.

RE: how to make a bracelet by bruxinha 14 years ago

thank you so much
i dont speak english so i didnt know the name of those kind of bracelet
you helped a lot


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