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Ideas for use of unwanted pink thread by meercatred 7 years ago

so basically, i never use pink thread, but the shops near me sell packs with at least 4x3m pinks, opposed to two of every other colour. now i have about 50 metres of unused pink thread, i have no idea what to do with it. any ideas? thanks!

RE: Ideas for use of unwanted pink thread by Lily_99 7 years ago

If you ever make alpha bracelets, use it for the base strings. That's what I usually do with my random colors. Or you could dye it to get colors you'll actually use. If it's light pink, you should be able to dye it any color. If it's a bit darker, use blue and yellow dye to make purple and orange thread. You can get some really nice colors this way. A normal tie dye kit should work.

RE: Ideas for use of unwanted pink thread by meercatred 7 years ago

Thanks Lily! Good ideas!!!!!,:D

RE: Ideas for use of unwanted pink thread by frenchie63 7 years ago

Some normal and alpha patterns have invisible strings so you can use your pink strings that way.
You can also use them for tests, when you're not sure wether an idea will work or not and you don't want to waste your best strings...
You can also use them if you make jewellery using pearls and the pink strings remains hidden by the pearls in the whole bracelet

RE: Ideas for use of unwanted pink thread by meercatred 7 years ago

Thanks, Frenchie!!!


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