
was donated
Rejected patterns by Kislobog 5 years ago

Recently several of my patterns have been rejected recently.
I create them for personal use first of all. I am making a collection of such bracelets now and will need quite a few more designs.
A question to the moderators: is it ok if I keep saving them for my own use? I don?t mind if they don?t go public as long as I can access them through ?rejected? folder & download them in the normal way. Is it ok if I do it this way?
Friendship bracelet designer (FBD) doesn?t work correctly on my laptop

RE: Rejected patterns by kleinevos 5 years ago

We prefer that you take screenshots for your own use instead. That saves us a lot of time, and it also saves server-space.
If you make patterns that are not too similar to existing patterns, you can ofcourse always submit them to our site. :-)


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