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RE : pending pattern by sushicat10 4 years ago

Will I be informed when my pattern is excepted, or when it is rejected? And why would a pattern be rejected?

RE : pending pattern by kleinevos 4 years ago

Yes, you will get an automatic notification. Have a look at

RE : pending pattern by sushicat10 4 years ago

Does that mean my pattern was rejected, or was that just telling you why they would reject it?

RE : pending pattern by kleinevos 4 years ago

Yes, the tells you some reasons why a pattern might get rejected.

RE : pending pattern by Mady383 3 years ago

It is often a shame not to know exactly the reason for the rejection !

If certain reasons are obvious for my bracelets, I often hesitate between "too easy" or "copied". And NONE of my designs are copied!

RE : pending pattern by kleinevos 3 years ago

If a pattern is rejected because it’s a copy, we add that to the description box. If you only see numbers, the pattern is most likely very similar to existing patterns. Or too simple, which basically means that we have many similar patterns. So there’s not really a difference between those two reasons.
We made the so we don’t have to add specific reasons to every rejected pattern, that would take us too much time. We already are struggling to check every pattern within a reasonable amount of time. I hope you understand!

RE : pending pattern by Mady383 3 years ago

Oh! yes! I never saw it, it's in the "description", thank you.

RE : pending pattern by theprez 3 years ago

where is the page for pending patterns?

RE : pending pattern by kleinevos 3 years ago

That page is gone. Our site has had a big update some time ago and that’s one of the things that have changed.


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