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Checkered pat... by usr994 15 years ago

Hehe hi guys and gals..

Well that's my wish/idea.. a checkered one.. ?any takers?

Hehe, Does anyone have tried a skull one??

Thank you, and keep smiling.

RE: Checkered pat... by usr942 15 years ago

pattern 1189 is sort of checkered but what I'm looking for is squares straight across, alternating black and white :) I hope we can find one

RE: Checkered pat... by usr994 15 years ago

Hehe yeah..

and thank you!

RE: Checkered pat... by marionette09 15 years ago

i have a pattern for checkerboard. Lemme make it really quick and ill give you the number.

RE: Checkered pat... by marionette09 15 years ago

I know how to make it, but I can't figure out how to make it with the pattern generator, or else I could show you. If you help me, I can tell you how to make it.

RE: Checkered pat... by usr942 15 years ago

to be honest, I'm no good with the generator either >_<

RE: Checkered pat... by usr994 15 years ago

WOOW, thank you guys...

RE: Checkered pat... by laurennserena 15 years ago
here it is in alpha.


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