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Can't see favorites? by Vladimeerkat 4 years ago

I went to my page to look at my favorite patterns, but I received an error message that said the page was either removed, I don't have access, or there was a server error.
I noticed the favorites page has changed a bit recently, so I'm assuming it has something to do with that? and will probably be fixed soon, but I thought I should say something anyway just in case. :p

RE : Can't see favorites? by kleinevos 4 years ago

Our webmaster is still working on the site, fixing bugs and changing things. But sometimes fixing one thing breaks other things, unfortunately..... This is one of the things that broke. It will be fixed soon.

RE : Can't see favorites? by fb101 4 years ago

It should now be fixed!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

RE : Can't see favorites? by KnottyArtist09 4 years ago

Also: unable to upload photo. I got the same error msg that Vladimeerkat is reporting. Thanks!

RE : Can't see favorites? by fb101 4 years ago

Thanks @KnottyArtist09

I can't fix it right now but I'll take a look in a few hours.

RE : Can't see favorites? by KnottyArtist09 4 years ago

Thanks, no problem, just wanted to notify someone.

RE : Can't see favorites? by fb101 4 years ago

Should be working fine now! =)

RE : Can't see favorites? by KnottyArtist09 4 years ago

Yes, thanks again

RE : Can't see favorites? by Vladimeerkat 4 years ago

Thanks for fixing it so quickly! I figured it would be back soon. Appreciate all the work you do! ^^

RE : Can't see favorites? by ahoff last year

I know I'm posting about this 2 years later, but I also can't find any of the patterns that I favorite. Is there something I'm missing, or some way I can access them? Thanks!


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