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Mutiple bracelet flower/star thing by Circe 4 years ago

I used to be on this site a lot like 7 years ago and back then i found a tutorial video of this thing someone made that was kind of like a bunch of bracelets all made at once into a flower or star type shape (i think it had 6 points once ot was finished?) I cant remember what it was called, but i really want to find it again.

RE : Mutiple bracelet flower/star thing by maggie3276 4 years ago

I think you might be thinking of flower mandalas - I remember seeing a tutorial on the site a couple years back.

RE : Mutiple bracelet flower/star thing by kleinevos 4 years ago

Our mandala tutorial is here .
But maybe you meant the snowflake ?

RE : Mutiple bracelet flower/star thing by Circe 4 years ago

It's the mandala flower! Thank you! The snowflake is cool too though. This is excellent.


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