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Forum > Other > @
@ by zoeyllm 4 years ago

I don't know if this is already available, but it would be helpful if you could mention people in a comment by doing @username. If someone is has been tagged, they would get a notification so that they could reply quicker.

RE : @ by kleinevos 4 years ago

We have this on our wish-list, but our webmaster said that it is hard to program. I don’t know the exact reason.

RE : @ by fb101 4 years ago

It'll be done in the future but we need to prioritize other features at the moment.

RE : @ by pinkplaidpants 4 years ago

I would love to help out fb101, if possible! My education and day job is programming :)

RE : @ by fb101 4 years ago

Thanks for the offer @pinkplaidpants ! I'll let you know if I can delegate some parts.


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