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I really want to match my dog's collar. by kelseyLOL 4 years ago

I'm looking for a pattern similar to the one shown in the photos in the following link:

I bought that collar for my dog and I love the colors and the blocky shapes mixed with chevrons and diamonds. I know I will probably have to merge multiple patterns together to achieve this look and it won't be exact, but I am desperate to find a pattern that will give me something similar to my dog's collar. He is so important to me.

I have the 5 colors shown in the photos and I would like a bracelet somewhere between 10 and 14 strings. If anyone could help point me in the right direction or give me some advice, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

RE : I really want to match my dog's collar. by kleinevos 4 years ago

This is pretty easy to make if you knot it in the width instead of in the length. It will leave you with stringends on both sides though, so you need to glue these to the back. Other possibility is to knot it alpha-style. But, as an alpha you’ll need at least about 14 strings, as a normal it takes at least 28 rows. So it will probably end up much wider than you like.


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