
was donated
Ooooopppsss Well... missing pattern, but still on my personal page... :/ by jezka 4 years ago

Hi, I added some patterns to my favorites years ago, but now they were deleted from this page and when I want to click on them, I can only read this message:

Well... We're pretty sorry about that but something unexpected happened.

It can be cause by one of the following reason.

The page you requested has moved or was deleted.
An error happened on the server.
You tried to access something you don't have access to.
If the problem happens again and/or you think it should be fixed, please inform us through the forum.

What may I do? :(

RE : Ooooopppsss Well... missing pattern, but still on my personal page... :/ by kleinevos 4 years ago

We sometimes re-vote on older patterns that are very similar to (or the same as) other older patterns. The patterns you are talking about are most likely rejected.

RE : Ooooopppsss Well... missing pattern, but still on my personal page... :/ by jezka 4 years ago

I understand, but I don´t want to keep these patterns in my favourites patterns. They are still there. I am confused and vexed every time... :(

RE : Ooooopppsss Well... missing pattern, but still on my personal page... :/ by kleinevos 4 years ago

Yes, we know the problem exists and we hope to have it fixed with the new update of the site.

RE : Ooooopppsss Well... missing pattern, but still on my personal page... :/ by jezka 4 years ago

Thank you. I hope it will be soon... :)


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