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My tension must be wrong by ktbelle 4 years ago

Hey guys. For the second time now I have found that when trying to make a heart which is just three stitches, it comes out as a straight line. I've checked some other threads and read about tying tension. I don't see anything in the FAQ about this. How do I fix this problem?
Thank you!

RE : My tension must be wrong by kleinevos 4 years ago

Can you show a picture? It shouldn’t be a straight line. But with only 3 knots for a heart it can look like a little triangle instead of a heart.

RE : My tension must be wrong by ktbelle 4 years ago

RE : My tension must be wrong by ktbelle 4 years ago

here is the link also

RE : My tension must be wrong by kleinevos 4 years ago

That’s a 1212-pattern, I think? Knots tend to be longer in those patterns, so you need more knots than 3 to make it look like hearts, I’m afraid. The knotting is fine :-)

RE : My tension must be wrong by ktbelle 4 years ago

ohh ok! thank you!
however, I do always end up with super curly bracelets. that means I'm tying too tight, right? and the remedy is to just try to be gentler?

RE : My tension must be wrong by kleinevos 4 years ago

Or you have to knot tighter. In most cases it’s because of loose tension. In case of 1212-patterns and also some other patterns it can be because of the knots itself too. Try to experiment with your tension to see what works best.

RE : My tension must be wrong by ktbelle 4 years ago

thank you very much! :)


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