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RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by Celicia 3 years ago


We have a new challenge for you!! We hope you like it, it is just for fun, without pressure or competition.

We propose a color palette and you choose the pattern, it can be normal or alpha, to your liking. You must tie it including only the proposed colors. If the pattern has fewer colors, choose the one you like best. If you have more colors, you should use those in the palette plus the colors you choose.

You must upload the photo to the corresponding pattern but including the text "COLOR CHALLENGE # 1" in this way we will know that you are participating. We will post your photos on the corresponding challenge forum, so that we can appreciate them all together.

We hope to see a lot of photos, there is no limit of patterns per user!

Enjoy knotting! Enjoy the challenge!

The palette chosen for "Color Challenge # 1" is:

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by Celicia 3 years ago

Here the first bracelet done by Adina!!! So nice!

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by kleinevos 3 years ago

Pretty! That was fast :-)

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by kleinevos 3 years ago

Made by me :-)

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by kleinevos 3 years ago

Another one made by me. Same pattern, same colors.

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by HelaZ 3 years ago

I tried to post a photo. I don't know where it went

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by AZClaire 3 years ago

Here is mine :)

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by makotocrafts 3 years ago

Love seeing how different all of the bracelets ended up! I made this one:

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by •Why Not• 2 years ago

Coucou je trouve ça super les défis comme ça et je ne savais pas quoi faire et j ai vue ça du coup voila

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by •Why Not• 2 years ago

Désolé je voulais ajouter une photo à mon message mais je sais pas comment faire quelqu’un peut m expliquer ?


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