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Notice: Color change function of existing patterns. by Celicia 3 years ago

Very good news, we have the option to change patterns color again for personal use.

In each pattern you will find a link that will allow you to change the colors of the patterns to your liking. You will NOT be able to save them on the site so you will have to take a screenshot and save it to your device.

We hope it will be useful for you!

RE : Notice: Color change function of existing patterns. by halokiwi 3 years ago

I noticed it today and was wondering how I never noticed it before. This is a really great addition!

RE : Notice: Color change function of existing patterns. by Celicia 3 years ago

We got back a feature that we had to disable a while ago and we all miss it :-)

RE : Notice: Color change function of existing patterns. by miss_terious 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for this very useful function.

RE : Notice: Color change function of existing patterns. by dianis 3 years ago

Excellent news, thank you.

RE : Notice: Color change function of existing patterns. by Dai 3 years ago

This is great! Thank you! :)


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