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Changing colours of a current pattern. by LunaCrow 3 years ago

Am new to this forum, please help me.

I am wanting to change colours of a pattern that is already on here using the generator. But when I change them , I see no option to save. I don’t want to submit the pattern as it’s not mine , I just want to change colours for my own use, to match the colours I have selected myself to make the pattern So that when I follow the pattern to make up the bracelet, the pattern and my colours are the same if that makes sense. How would I do that ?

RE : Changing colours of a current pattern. by Anyblia 3 years ago

You can’t save the pattern here :) however you can make a screenshot of it and save it to your device for personal use.

RE : Changing colours of a current pattern. by LunaCrow 3 years ago

Thanks, I did think that was the case.

RE : Changing colours of a current pattern. by Harleydragon 2 years ago

even if you do screen shot but how do I get both side to show on pattern instead of moving bottom slide when it is too wide to to show all the pattern in one spot without sliding bottom? on a large pattern???

RE : Changing colours of a current pattern. by kleinevos 2 years ago

That’s a problem that still has to be solved by the webmaster. For now, you need multiple screenshots to save it all…

RE : Changing colours of a current pattern. by Harleydragon 2 years ago

Well, I hope the webmaster can solve this problem soon because multiple screenshots are a pain in the neck!


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