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A bug by fenix_ree 3 years ago

I can't add a new entry to the forum

RE : A bug by fenix_ree 3 years ago

Oh, now i can. How it works then?

RE : A bug by fenix_ree 3 years ago

Sorry, i can't delete this, my apologies.

RE : A bug by fenix_ree 3 years ago

I still can't post a new thread though. I could post this thread but i can't add another one about a website suggestion.

RE : A bug by Celicia 3 years ago

First of all, read in previous posts if the suggestion has not been made.
We have had no problems generating new forums. You place yourself in the category where the new thread should go. Put the title of the forum you want to create and then your comment and press the "post thread" button. If you can't, send a private message on the guessbook to consider your suggestion please.

RE : A bug by fenix_ree 3 years ago

Okay, thank you. I couldn't add a new entry for some reason.


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