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RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by Celicia 3 years ago

Color Challenge 4: as usual, we propose a color palette and you can choose the pattern you want, normal or alpha. You must first use the colors from the palette and if your pattern has more than 5 colors you can add whatever you want. If your pattern has less than five colors, you should choose them only from the palette.

Also this time we are going to propose a pattern and you can use all the colors from the palette or at least one color from the palette and the rest you would choose to your liking.


On the page of each pattern you have the possibility to change the colors and experiment with combinations. If you want to save some, take a screenshot and save it to your device for later reference.

Have a nice knotting!
We hope to see your photos here!

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by Celicia 3 years ago

Do not forget to put in the photo the legend "Color challenge #4" ! !

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by sbina86 3 years ago

Is it mandatory to do what you propose?

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by Celicia 3 years ago

The color challenge has that premise. The idea is to have fun. We like to see how different patterns look with the same color palette, even a single pattern knotted with the proposed palette but interchanging the colors.

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by sbina86 3 years ago

Ok thank you very much!

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by kleinevos 3 years ago

Sbina86 made this:

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by sbina86 3 years ago

Thank you so much!

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by kleinevos 3 years ago

And another beautiful bracelet made by sbina86

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by sbina86 3 years ago

Sorry but it's a bookmark not a bracelet. :)

RE : COLOR Challenge #4 - March / April 2021 by kleinevos 3 years ago

That’s nice too ;-))


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