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Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by Celicia 3 years ago

Color Challenge 6: as usual, we propose a color palette and you can choose the pattern you want, normal or alpha. You must first use the colors from the palette and if your pattern has more than 5 colors you can add whatever you want. If your pattern has less than five colors, you should choose them only from the palette.

Make sure to include the text "COLOR CHALLENGE #6" in your photo.

Also this time we are going to propose a pattern and you can use all the colors from the palette or at least one color from the palette and the rest you would choose to your liking.


On the page of each pattern you have the possibility to change the colors and experiment with combinations. If you want to save some, take a screenshot and save it to your device for later reference.


Have a nice knotting!
We hope to see your photos here!

Note: We remind you that if you want you can do the previous challenges as there is no deadline

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by kleinevos 3 years ago

I’ve made one :-)

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by Celicia 3 years ago

Looks great!

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by sbina86 3 years ago

Hello! Please tell me: does it need to be a pattern or can it be a pattern too?
Is that I want to try doing the zig zag double flip flop! :)

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by Celicia 3 years ago

You can choose the friendship bracelet you like

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by kleinevos 3 years ago

Knotted by JoAnnaSpring:

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by Scootercat 3 years ago

So is this continuing into September?

RE : Color Challenge #6 - August - September 2021 by kleinevos 3 years ago

You can knot something for our color challenges whenever you like. There’s no deadline.


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