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Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by HalboAngel 2 years ago

Hi, im new to this. Ive been trying to make a chevron braclet for a while. I have been looking at patterns, yt videos.. everything. I follow the pattern correctly (i think) but no matter the amount of times. The knots look horrible. The braclet is spinning and not flat. The colors are not lookint like the pattern at all. The only braclet i can almost do good is dna. But still i dont manage to make the dna form there either. Help me out :( [IMG]

Here is the picture of the knot. RE : Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by HalboAngel 2 years ago

[URL= I also dont know why the knots are so small. I might be to hard when pulling

RE : Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by HalboAngel 2 years ago my knots are super small i might be pulling to hard

RE : Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by halokiwi 2 years ago

Are you making both halves of each knot? Each knot consists of two halves.

Make sure that you make the correct knot with the strings of the correct colours.

It is completely normal that it takes a while until your knots look nice.

Instead of the chevron you could also try the candystripe. It's slightly easier because it's only one type of knot.

RE : Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by HalboAngel 2 years ago

I am. At the first half. Forward twice. Then other half. Behind twice. Then one time with the two matching colors in the middle.

RE : Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by halokiwi 2 years ago

I mean that each individual knot consists of two halves. So one forward knot consists of one knot forward and then another knot forward. Are you doing that?

RE : Cant make a knot braclet like chevron or stripe? by HalboAngel 2 years ago

I wasent doing it right but i redone it and it got a lot better. Figured i need practis, but i learned the patterns right this time


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