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i cant find this pattern anywhere, please help! by mimipo 2 years ago

RE : i cant find this pattern anywhere, please help! by halokiwi 2 years ago

I looked through all the patterns with 16 strings and 6 colours but I did not see anything similar, but I might have missed it, because there are a lot.

Do you have more information on the pattern or where this photo is coming from?

RE : i cant find this pattern anywhere, please help! by halokiwi 2 years ago

I tried to recreate it. Please keep in mind that this is not my pattern and that I therefore can't publish it on here.

RE : i cant find this pattern anywhere, please help! by kleinevos 2 years ago

It’s #41644 in different colors.

RE : i cant find this pattern anywhere, please help! by pato........ last year

Hi, I am trying to find a pattern or a tutorial video for the following bracelet:

It would be great if you could help me find something about this style. Thanks

RE : i cant find this pattern anywhere, please help! by halokiwi last year

Here is a video on how to make simple striped bracelets:

To connect two different patterns, you can use this video tutorial:

But you could also knot this pattern slightly different, so that you don't need to do that.
Lets say you want to combine to flags.
A are the colours used in flag A, B are the colours used in flag B.
Put the strings in the order ababababab...
To make flag A you need to make fb knots in uneven rows and bf knots in even rows.
To make flag B you need to make bf knots in uneven rows and fb knots in even rows.
I hope I did not mess this up.


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