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Celtic Triquetra pattern by Hols 2 years ago

Does anyone have a NORMAL pattern of a celtic triquetra like this one?:


I have tried to make one myself, but I am a novice in pattern making. I really need it, any help is appreciated.

Best regards,

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by Hols 2 years ago

The only one I could find on normal pattern is this one, which is awesome.

Is there a way to make it smaller or simpler? There are 43 strings

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by halokiwi 2 years ago

I don't know a pattern but I think it should be possible to make it smaller. Do you have a certain amount of strings you want?

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by halokiwi 2 years ago

I designed one with 25 strings. Let me know, if that is alright or if it needs to be smaller.

I could also potentially add some extra decoration, if you want similar to the other pattern.

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by Hols 2 years ago

Woow, you are awesome!! I am extremely grateful for your reply and predisposition! I believe 25 strings is doable, and I really like how you managed to make it so well.

I did not have in mind how many strings, I believe the simpler the better (the maximum number I´ve made is 16 strings), but I would like it to loose definition or detail, what do you think?

If you could add the extra decoration I would appreciate it!! Thank you halokiwi :)

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by Hols 2 years ago

"but I would think it would loose definition". Sorry, my typo

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by halokiwi 2 years ago

I came up with another version. It's more angular, but it has some decoration.

RE : Celtic Triquetra pattern by Hols 2 years ago

Great, thank you!! I really appreciate your work :)


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