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Dominant hand not tying the same by MarenAnne6 2 years ago

I was wondering if anyone had figured out a solution to this. I’m right handed, and I also like to work in sections on my bracelets. The left side of the bracelet always looks so neat and tidy because my right hand feels more comfortable tying the knots (especially forward knots) going from left to right. The right side however, is often uneven and hole-y due to the less natural flow of going right to left. I’ve been making bracelets for years, I always try to use the same amount of tension on both sides, yet I still have trouble with the side my right hand is not so natural at. If anyone has a solution that worked for them please let me know.

RE : Dominant hand not tying the same by halokiwi 2 years ago

I would say that it would probably be useful for you to practice your backwards knots. A candystripe only consisting of b knots would be perfect.

I use my dominant hand to tie no matter which knot I do or on which side of the bracelet I knot. I hold the "base string" in my left non-dominant hand and tie onto it with the "leading string" using my right dominant hand.

I have not really understood, if you also always use your dominant hand and if this issue relates more to the different types of knots or really just the side of the bracelet you are knotting on. So I'm sorry, if this is not useful.

RE : Dominant hand not tying the same by Janezielenbach last year

when I click on more info below, is that the video of you tying with yellow and green string? If it is, I think what is happening is when you are tying it with your right hand and you’re pulling up into the right, if you want the tying string to end up on the left-hand side, you sort of just make it end up there by pulling it to the left after the knot is all finished. which twists and therefore tightens the whole thing. It’s hard to tell if you're doing backwards knots but either way try and just pull up and to the left if you want the tying knot to end up on the left or if you’re doing it backwards knot as well, and so it naturally lays on the left and you won’t have to twist it at least then the bracelet would be all uniform. Does that make sense?

RE : Dominant hand not tying the same by Janezielenbach last year

I’m having sort of the same issues. And I find that if you pull up and towards the right, with your tying string &right hand, it comes out differently than if you pull up and to the left . Although for a forwards knot you'd always pull up and to the right because you want your tying string to end up on the right hand side...and with a backward knot you want to pull to the left because you want it to end up on the left-hand side ...and there is a difference. there’s holes in some of my things and I think it’s either the way I’m pulling it up -left or right , or the problem could be that I’m not scooting the knots up and making sure they’re tight every once in a while . Checking the back of the bracelet seems to help me figure out what went wrong too. Have you figured it out in 7months?

RE : Dominant hand not tying the same by kleinevos last year

To clarify: The ‘more info’ button is only to explain the BBCode :-)

RE : Dominant hand not tying the same by TianaOsix 9 months ago

My solution to this is tying backwards knots with my left hand and foreward ones with my right. It evens out the tension so it looks even

RE : Dominant hand not tying the same by Janezielenbach 5 months ago

OK now that I have some time has gone by I have figured this problem out. When tying backward knot I use my left hand also but my trick is to make sure the first of the 2 knots is very snug and tight. The second not can be just normal tension.


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