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Alpha Bracelets by canadian_meh 14 years ago

Hi! I'm new on this site, and I am going to make an alpha bracelet for my sister.. Does anyone know approximately how wide the letters are in the finished bracelet? Thanks!

RE: Alpha Bracelets by Emz 14 years ago

Well it depends on how many threads you use.You can make it really wide or skinny.So it just depends on how many threads you use.How many threads are you going to use?

RE: Alpha Bracelets by canadian_meh 14 years ago

I used 10 strings... Um, I decided to just test it out with leftover bits of string and figured it out.. Thanks!:)

alpha patterns by sky15 14 years ago

hi im new here and i have no clue how to make alpha patterns and how to sketch them so if anyone can respond now i would appreciate it

RE: Alpha Bracelets by Emz 14 years ago

hi i am pretty new here to but i think i know how to do a basic alpha are the steps to make a pattern:
1. get a piece of grid paper out and a pencil .
2.Decide what you want to have on it, my example will be the word smile.
3.Decide how many strings you want to use,if you want to make a bracelet with 8 strings you make a box that is 8 wide and then just do about 10 down.
4.Then you have a box and you color in the boxes to make your first letter.
5.Repeat making boxes except putting different letters in.
Ok i hope this helps you a little bit i hope you understand.Also there are some really informative tutorials on this site about how to read them and make them.

Good Luck!


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