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Patterns for Autism Acceptance Month by halokiwi last year

Since April is Autism Acceptance Month, I think it would be cool to post more autism related patterns to I noticed that all normal patterns with the keyword "autism" are ones with puzzle pieces on them, which to many autistic people is a negative symbol. How about posting some more patterns with rainbow infinity symbols and other symbols?

I found two rainbow infinity patterns that I think should also have the keyword "autism" to add a bigger variety to autism-related patterns on and to make them easier to find for people looking for them.

The patterns are

If anyone else knows any other patterns that are autism-related but miss the keyword "autism", we could collect them here so they are easier to find.

RE : Patterns for Autism Acceptance Month by kleinevos last year

Keyword added

RE : Patterns for Autism Acceptance Month by halokiwi last year

Thank you, kleinevos!


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