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how to measure string for normal bracelet by cambambracelets last year

Does anyone have any tips on how to measure just about the right amount of string (depending on how many strings are in the bracelet and how many knots that color might have) I just have no idea what length would be just right for even a normal candy stripe- I'm sick of wasting so much string

RE : how to measure string for normal bracelet by halokiwi last year

There is a tutorial that might be useful

RE : how to measure string for normal bracelet by Noodlelimbs825 9 months ago

I usually just measure fingertip (middle) to forearm and back again, or just measure 1 yard.

RE : how to measure string for normal bracelet by TwistTie48 8 months ago

Masha Knotts on Youtube is a good resource for everything bracelet related. I typically go no less than 40 in. long for strands with doing Normal pattern bracelets... especially for the complex ones as you will require more string length for those. Also... If you have leftovers to cut off they will not be wasted if you use them for short pieces in the "RAG RUG" bracelet done in an Alpha format. That is a way to use up those scrap small pieces without having much waste. Hope that helps. Masha Knotts has a video about the RAG RUG bracelet as well.


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