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I badly need help with photos. by Bunny.Timeline last year

Greetings all! I have only recently started to try and upload photos of my bracelets,(I am aware that the size limit is 50 KB) however, I have to make them extremely tiny in order for them to fit the size limit. This is seriously driving me crazy as I really do want to upload larger photos. I have only uploaded one though because of this. I have been using a digital camera for the pictures. Can you guys tell me what you've been doing for sizing pictures? Because I am totally stumped.

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Cosmically_Tied last year

Hey! It took me a while to figure out the whole picture thing too. I take pictures on my phone but those are waaayyy too big and when I try to resize them on my phone, the quality is incredibly low. It's a bit of a process, but this is how I figured out how to upload fairly large pictures:

I pick which picture I want to upload and then I email it to myself so I can download it on my computer. Once it's downloaded I go to this website:

I don't pay a subscription, but there are options to do so that I'd say are fairly cheap. I just upload a picture and then adjust the width (anywhere between 12 and 16 should be good) and then hit resize. Once it's under 50KB, I download it and then come back here to add a photo!

I hope this helps!

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Bunny.Timeline last year

This is just what I needed!!! This the first time I posted a forum and I totally didn't know if anyone would respond! I just tried your link and the picture looked amazing!!! I will totally use this all the time now! Thank you again so much!!! Thank you!!!

RE : I badly need help with photos. by kleinevos last year

There are also several apps that can do the trick. You only have to make sure that it resizes in amounts of pixels and not just in actual size of the picture.

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Cosmically_Tied last year

Yay!! I'm so happy it's working out for you.

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Celicia last year

I use "Photo & picture resizer" for Android (free version). Maybe it will help! :-)

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Knotdaughter last year

I use

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Bunny.Timeline last year

Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions! I have finally figured it out thanks to you all. ;)

Keep on being wonderful people out there and posting wonderful photos!

RE : I badly need help with photos. by TizziLizzi 17471 12 months ago

I have had success just gradually resizing my photo's in Paint. It works for me so far.

RE : I badly need help with photos. by Xstarcorex 3 months ago

I came here to ask similarly! Thank you


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