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Request: List of Available Keywords by desertsong27 8 months ago


I've been searching the site high and low for either the pattern types I'm looking for or a list of keywords that are available (as some I'm trying have 0 patterns). So far... nada.

I'm looking for patterns that can be inverted in color or have an accent string, so my partner and I can have opposite schemes but with the others' main color as a hint.

Could be one line across with the occasional peek, could be a strip of the color, could be one 2-knot line through the pattern. But it's an accent, not a main color.

"Accent" isn't there, "subtle" isn't there, so I'm not sure what to look for.


RE : Request: List of Available Keywords by halokiwi 8 months ago

I don't think there is a keyword like that, because you can knot any pattern in any colours you like.

I do not know of a keyword that describes patterns that are mainly one colour but that have accents of another colour.

Do you know, if you want to do a normal pattern or an alpha pattern? Personally I would do normals, if you want to do something more abstract.

I think this search might have good results

This search has less results, but might still have good ones:

The only other search I can currently think of is to filter the patterns by amounts of colours.
In general, you can knot any pattern with the colours you like.
When you use just two colours, it's easy to invert the colours in the second bracelet.

I think the keyword 'inverted' has some really gorgeous patterns, but I'm not sure it's what you are looking for

Here are some patterns from my loves, that I think could be nice -> uses three colours, keep the white the same for both bracelets, but switch around the red and the green to have two distinct bracelets -> uses white and two gradients of red and blue, keep the white for both and switch around the red and blue -> uses three colours, use different background colours or use the same background colour, but switch around black and white -> uses two gradients of red and green, switch around the gradients -> uses two gradients, switch around the gradients

If you are in search of alphas, I'm sure I can also make some recommendations


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