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[paid opportunity] help by Somethingridiculous31415 8 months ago

Hi all!!

My boyfriend’s birthday is coming up quickly and I really wanted to make him this custom friendship bracelet with a rocket on it because he is an aerospace engineer and rocketry has played a big part in his life, but I think that the pattern I want is either impossible or just beyond my skill level. I’ll post the mock alpha pattern below, if any of you think you could make this or could figure out a simplified pattern that’s doable, PLEASE let me know. I am willing to pay $150 + shipping to whoever is willing or able to make the bracelet (if anyone!). Thanks in advance!!


RE : [paid opportunity] help by Somethingridiculous31415 8 months ago

Here is the link to the mock pattern! Please lmk if it doesn’t work.

RE : [paid opportunity] help by Somethingridiculous31415 8 months ago

Nevermind, everyone! Thanks

RE : [paid opportunity] help by halokiwi 8 months ago

Here you should be able to see the pattern linked above.

(Patterns that aren't accepted yet are not visible, except the images of the patterns are)

RE : [paid opportunity] help by hpgames 3 months ago

Were you able to find somebody?


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