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Alpha bracelets. by Mariuhhx 14 years ago

So, I'm making my first alpha bracelet, it's the M&M pattern, Pattern 433 to be exact. And as I'm tying it, I'm having a little trouble cause it looks a bit weird. When I'm doing the backward/forward knot of the base string over the background string, I'm having problems because my thread won't go all the way to the top of the space where I need it. I'm not sure if this makes sense to anyone, I can post a picture if need be, I would just like some help. Or to know if that happens to anyone else? Because if it does, I guess I won't feel so bad about it? Hahah, because as I started this bracelet, I just stopped because I'm getting so frustrated with this mistake, but anyone experienced in alpha bracelets, please reply to this thread. Thank you so much!

RE: Alpha bracelets. by allyxmarie 14 years ago

that always happens to me too! :(

RE: Alpha bracelets. by DeadlyXwhispers 14 years ago

It does that to me too. I just pull it really hard when i do the first part of the knot. If that doesn't work, when you switch colors pull that first other colored knot REALLY tight.

RE: Alpha bracelets. by Mariuhhx 14 years ago

Thanks guys. When I look at alpha pictures from other people, it looks like it happens to them also. When I do the other knots below them with the background color, it does look a little better though. But thanks!

RE: Alpha bracelets. by DeadlyXwhispers 14 years ago

No problem. Hope it helped :)


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