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Rejected patterns; Please tell us Why? by TizziLizzi 17471 26 days ago

Over the past 11 months i have enjoyed generating patterns with the website generator, and i have had a few accepted which is great.
But many more are rejected stating, See Forum rules Terms Of Use to find out why.

Reading the Terms of Use tells me nothing as to why my designs are rejected. I feel it would be more helpful for those of us that have our designs rejected to know exactly why designs are rejected.

RE : Rejected patterns; Please tell us Why? by halokiwi 22 days ago

Have you checked out this?

Do any of the reasons apply? If not or you can't figure out which one, I'm sure you can ask the moderators for more information.

RE : Rejected patterns; Please tell us Why? by kleinevos 22 days ago

As Halokiwi said: Please first check as stated on all rejected patterns. The main reasons are usually:
- We already have several very similar patterns and/or the pattern is very basic (diamonds, candystripe, arrowhead, heart, etc)
- The pattern is a copy of an existing pattern, either in different colors are with small changes like borders added or removed. We consider those as copies/stolen patterns.
- The pattern looks random to us.

If you have more questions please message us via a private message in the guestbook, as we don’t discuss rejected patterns in public.


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