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Crescent Design by Saloo 14 years ago

Hey All!
I am trying to generate my own design and not a regular pattern. I want the same bracelet to have a heart then a crescent. I'm wondering how I could do that.
Is there a program where I can just color the boxes or draw like paint brush that eventually I can use as a guide?

Thanks in advance, if the above is not possible does anyone have the design for a crescent?

RE: Crescent Design by Vicky 14 years ago

I'm assuming you have a PC? You can use MS Paint to draw the design, zoom in to 6x or 8x, and press Ctrl+G to get a grid. The grid will just make it easier to enter it into the alpha generator, it isn't necessary.
I use a Mac, but I also have Photoshop, which is on the expensive side. I'm not really sure how to do something similar in other programs.

Worst case there's always good ol' graph paper!

RE: Crescent Design by go_blue16 14 years ago

graph paper is the 'worst case'? lol i use it all the time =) i think its easier. I number my grids and rows and everything and it works perfectly...

RE: Crescent Design by Vicky 14 years ago

I use it as well, but it's the "worst case" if the OP doesn't have any readily available.


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