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Starting with a loop with an odd number of strings..HELP PLEASE! by boyslikeemily 14 years ago

i love starting my bracelet with a loop so i can keep taking them on and off and not having to cut them off. But the thing is, you need an even number of strings and the pattern has to be mirrored, like the chevron/arrowhead. what if i wanted to make a pattern without mirrored strings? then how would i do a loop? or if i wanted to make one with an odd number of strings? if i folded them in half, i would have one extra string. what would i do? anyone understand what im saying? please help<3

RE: Starting with a loop with an odd number of strings..HELP PLEASE! by Mina 14 years ago

I get ya. Alright. I had this thought in my head a long time ago. I make a loop, but I twist it and push it together so it looks spiral-like. I do this with any amount of strings. If I have an odd number or I need one of each color for a pattern, For the ones that arent even, I make them a ted bit longer than the rest and I fold the top about an inch over and then do the twisting and stuff. Then after that I just cut the etra pieces. Hope this helps~


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