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Supported BBCode tags

The forum supports BBcode tags. The supported tags are:


Examples on using BBCode

The BBCode will only work if there is a text saying so. Below are some examples on using BBCode. Just type the BBCode as ordinary text in, for example, a forum entry.

BBCode Result
[COLOR=purple]The colors black, lime, white, navy, purple, aqua, green, gray, yellow, teal, silver, olive, maroon, blue, fuchsia and HEX colors are supported.[/COLOR] The colors black, lime, white, navy, purple, aqua, green, gray, yellow, teal, silver, olive, maroon, blue, fuchsia and HEX colors are supported.
[SIZE=5]Texts can be of size 1 to 5[/SIZE] Texts can be of size 1 to 5
[U]Underlined text[/U] Underlined text
[C]Centered stuff[/C]
Centered stuff
[I]Italic[/I] Italic
[B]Bold text[/B] Bold text
[URL=]Linked text[/URL] Linked text