
was donated


Membership date

  • 1/11/22


(they/them) no nation no border
Chordate, mammal

anti-colonialism | anti-capitalism | anti-fascism | anti-racism |
anti-imperialism | abolish prison, police and military
intersectional feminism, black anarchism, pacifism, environmentalism,
Afro-futurism, cultural freedom, queer liberation, food justice

ourstory- Knitting our way into theirstory
love twists knots and kinks

~~~APAP supporter! ~~~ stands for: All Patterns a Picture/photo.
I think every pattern deserves a picture, simple as that.
No matter how old,simple,small,weird,big,new,complex,colorful,etc. they are. There's alot of photoless patterns around for every level of knotting experience, so everyone can join me on this quest!
Feel free to copy this text on your profile and spread the word for APAP :)