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Membership date

  • 12/20/09


Hi. My name is CukiMonsterGirl and i just discovered this site :D
i really like how there are patterns for any thing that could come to your mind and i also like the fact that there are tutorials.

i make FriendShip Bracelets when im bored [which is practically all the time] and here is some information about me :

1. my favorite colours are blue and yellow.
2. yes, i am a girl xD
3. im 14
4. i like manchester unitd.
5. i hate basketball because its starting to become a cliche game :P
6. i live in the middle east. in a country called Bahrain.
7. i like playing piano, watching So You Think You Can Dance, chewing bubble gum, and chatting with my friends.
8. i love cherry pj's
9. im addicted to Blue Doritos, because they are SO tasty *sigh*
10. i like reading books while listening to Owl City and Kesha [Tik Tok] and Replay [Iyaz]

thank you