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Membership date

  • 12/21/09


Hi, I'm Amanda, I'm 16, and I have been making friendship bracelets for awhile. I learned how to make friendship bracelets during the summer that I was 11 from my younger cousin. Back then, all I could make was a Chinese Staircase. I probably made about a billion Chinese Staircases that summer! I learned how to make more types of bracelets from Youtube (candy stripe, chevron...) One Youtube video directed me to and I was hooked!

I make bracelets every chance I get. I currently prefer alpha bracelets to normal because there are so many more possibilities with alphas, and they are more fun for me (when I have to repeat a pattern over and over and over, it gets boring to me...most alphas are longer, so you only have to do the pattern once or twice!). I just learned how to make multicolor alpha's and I will post pictures of them soon.

Just about all the patterns that I 'favorited' are ones that I plan to make, or have already made. The alpha ones are more likely to be finished faster! I have a picture of just about every alpha bracelet I've made, and a few normal patterns (more like 2!).

Any questions....about anything bracelet-related? Just ask! I'll do my best to help you! :)
