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Membership date

  • 6/20/11


Hi :-) I'm Bluesmansbaby and I've just started getting intrested in learning how to make friendship bracelets. I found this site through looking at different videos on youtube and seen this site mentioned by beyond bracelets so I came here to learn more. I am 51 years young and have 6 grown children with 7 growing grandchildren. and I love to make handmade things and give it to friends and family. I think when you make things with your own hands and give it to someone it really means more than any item you can buy out of a store because you actually took the time to make it for them.
I orginally started off making beaded jewelry but wanted to learn something new to make so I came here to learn more about how to make friendship bracelets. I must say this site is loaded with all kinds of helpful information and I'm looking foward to making some of these awsome bracelets I see on here