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Membership date

  • 1/22/10


I am 16 years old this year and am a sophomore~
I luv making bracelets especially knew ones!~
I also love horses and have a miniture horse of my own "schady"~
My favorite sport is archery and soccer. I also like to play piano, especialy classical music:)~`
My all time FAVORITE show is N.C.I.S:)~`
my favorite charachter is Abby Shuto and i also love Ziva David the Jewish one who is with the mesad but later is no longer with them~
I hope one day Tony and Ziva start to really like each other besides just being favorite episode is "undercovers"...he he he...:)~
sorry i really get into this show....LOL!~
I am very friendly and love getting messages from ppl...oh, and btw i am single...LOL:)~~~