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Membership date

  • 8/7/11


My name is Jacqui and I live in Hawaii. I'm a Wife, Mom, Grandma and college student; Actually just a Jacqui of all trades. I do web design, photography, vector art, beach bum, jewelry maker & last but certainly not least wife of a service connected disabled Veteran. We have 7 grown children between us and 14 grandkids. I expect to hear any day that I'm going to be a Great Grandma! My Grandson Tyler even provided me with my closing statement...he asked where I lived and was told Hawaii, he asked how far that was, and was told 5000 miles away, and he looked up in awe and said innocently "Then she must live on the dark side" LoL - It's stuck ever since...and matches up with the morbid side of me.

Most of my creativity flows through digital forms. I've never been good at drawing or crocheting or needle point & I actually just started making friendship bracelets in July. It's quite funny how I got started. Never know the girl that got me hooked might be a member.

I was traveling from Chicago to Hawaii and while I was flying I was sitting behind and opposite the isle from a teenage girl that was working on her bracelets. I thought it looked really fun and a great way to pass the time on long flights. We were to far for me to talk to her but being the geek I am I went to YouTube and found Beyond Bracelets Video Tutorials. I also found her on here! After about a week of videos I upgraded to her written instructions, then to learning how to read and use the patterns on here. Now it's what takes up any spare time I have, including movie time!

I couldnt tell you the number of bracelets/keyrings/zipper pulls I've made in the short amount of time I've known how to knot. My husband's been wonderful and likes watching my progress in the current projects. My kids and some of my friends are making requests for me to mail them one. I Love It!!

I just started up loading some of my pictures, I was having trouble meeting the 50K requirement but the geek in me came out once again and I've solved that problem. Now I found the weekly challenge (I LOVE IT)....what a cool way to try out new patterns that I never knew were even out there!

Ok, that's me in a nut shell....everyones Mom/Grandma.
This is Grams signing out from the dark side... :)