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Membership date

  • 11/5/11


Pattenrond, 22 years old and Quebecoise

Hello, I'm from Montreal and I usually speak French. I'm a big Harry Potter fan, which explains my name. In fact, Pattenrond is the french name for Crookshanks, Hermione's cat. I also love to do figured skating, to read, to cook and do all other sorts of things.

Of course, I also like to do friendship bracelets (or else, I wouldn't be here). I started doing some two summers ago. Younger, I did some, but only the basic one, you know the one with the rows. I went to my library to search for books that show how to do other motives. That's how I learn that they were four sorts of knots. As the time passed, I wanted to know more and more motives and that's how I ended up here.

Aux autres Quebecois, ou du moins, a tous les autres qui parlent francais : bon, comme vous le voyez, je suis une des votres. Je viens de Montreal et vais a l'universite pour devenir prof. Ca ne me tente pas vraiment de traduire ce que j'ai ecrit en anglais, donc je me contenterai de dire que j'adore les chats.